Green Cat Renewables provide a full range of Landscape services tailored to suit the scale and needs of your project, from planning through to construction.
The Planning and Environmental Department within Green Cat Renewables have an experienced team of Landscape Consultants & Graphic Technicians, the team have supported the delivery and assessment of almost 200 renewable energy projects, ranging from small scale wind turbines to large commercial wind farms, solar parks, hydro-electric schemes, and major agricultural, commercial and utility buildings.
Landscape & Visual Impacts are amongst the most critically assessed area of any renewable energy development, especially wind projects.
Our landscape consultants provide pre-application advice to inform project feasibility and design development and LVIA to support Planning Applications, and Landscape Clerk of Work services throughout construction delivery.
As well as supporting the planning team, our team also provides stand alone LVIA, Residential Assessments, Visualisations, Planting Plans and Capacity Studies. All work is conducted according to current industry standards as set by SNH and relevant Local Authorities, utilising the latest software and technology, such as GIS Mapping, ReSoft Windfarm, Augmented Reality Real-Time Visualisation software and Adobe Creative Suites. Our teams maintain and are trained to use photography equipment in observance of both SNH and Highland Council Standards, the most stringent in the UK.