Photography & Visualisations

Green Cat Renewables has a vastly experienced design team on hand to support the design and development of your renewables project.

The Green Cat Renewables team includes photographers, graphic technicians and designers, with a wealth of experience producing visualisations for renewable energy developments including onshore wind, solar, hydrogen, BESS and infrastructure. The team have supported Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs) across the UK and Canada over the last 15 years.

LVIA Visualisations
Landscape and visual impacts are amongst the most discussed elements and often the main cause of objections related to renewable energy development. To better understand and assess these potential impacts requires high quality supporting visualisations.

The GCR team have significant experience in all aspects of LVIA production, with our team of experienced photographers, designers and technicians, the team provide visualisation support for all aspects of wind, solar, hydro, BESS, hydrogen and infrastructure projects.

Wind Farm visualisations are produced using ReSoft Wind Farm and WindPro software, in accordance with all relevant standards and guidance, most notably NatureScot and The Highland Council. The team also utilise a full suite of professional software for pre and post processing including In-Design, Adobe Suite and GIS.

Public Consultation Materials
The design team also support clients in the production of exhibition materials to present proposals to the public. This includes the creation of templates for information banners, graphics and visualisations, as well as information sheets, advertising posters, letters and any other marketing material as required.

Augmented Reality Visualisations
GCR provide an augmented reality service through the TrueView Visuals Platform. This helps to create instant visualisations that can be used on site when carrying out site selection and feasibility work, as well as initial design reviews. GCR have also utilised this tool in stakeholder meetings and public exhibitions to provide context and help stakeholders and member of the public gain an additional understanding of potential visual impacts of the development.

Drone Photography and Video
In addition to carrying out panoramic photography to produce photomontages, Green Cat Renewables also carries out drone photography and videoing, which is utilised to gain a wider understanding of landscape context, setting of historical features and general feasibility of sites, reducing the requirement for multiple site visits. Drone photography can also be used to create photomontages, which is particularly useful for development such as solar or BESS, which have a distinctly different visual impact from wind developments.

  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Visualisations and Wirelines
  • Production of NatureScot compliant photomontages
  • Production of The Highland Council compliant photomontages
  • Landscape Photography
  • Photography Post-Processing
  • 3D Photomontaging
  • Augmented Reality Visualisation Service
  • Drone Photography and Videoing