Swept Path Analysis

Green Cat Renewables boasts extensive expertise in abnormal load assessments, a critical aspect of wind farm development. Ensuring the efficient transportation of abnormal loads, particularly the increasingly sizable wind turbine components like blades, is paramount to project success.

Green Cat Renewables (GCR) track record includes pivotal involvement in facilitating one of the first E138 blade deliveries in Scotland.

GCR have conducted comprehensive desktop studies for upcoming blade iterations, some stretching up to 80 meters in length, for deployment throughout Scotland.

GCR’s meticulous approach extends to providing swept path analysis drawings for all turbine components, including blades, tower sections, generators, and crane equipment. GCR have built up an extensive library of wind turbine delivery vehicles to use in Autodesk Vehicle Tracking software.

In response to evolving challenges, such as navigating complex routes, we have embraced innovative solutions like blade lifter vehicles. These specialised vehicles enable manoeuvrability through previously inaccessible bends. GCR must consider a variety of obstacles that are involved with blade lifter vehicles such as blade transfer locations & storage compounds, wind speed considerations during deliveries, overhead and tree lines.

  • Desk-top studies to analyse viable delivery route options
  • Swept Path Analysis using OS Mastermap data to help determine affected street furniture & 3rd party land take for planning stage
  • Swept Path Analysis with topographical data to ensure planning stage results are correct
  • Using topographical data to identify any vertical clearance issues
  • Access reports to summarise each pinch point location
  • Off-site road improvement design works working to DMRB standards
  • Route analysis survey including options for video and photographic records alongside written reports