Aldercombe Barton
Bude, Cornwall
In 2013, Green Cat Renewable Developments Limited (GCRD) entered into a joint venture to develop the Aldercombe Barton Wind Project. The initial intention was for this to be a 4 turbine development, however after a consultation process with the Local Planning Authority and local residents it was decided that a single turbine development was more likely to gain consent. The heavily loaded nature of the local grid also leant itself to a smaller development.
With our in house expertise, we successfully developed a good working relationship with the local DNO, and negotiated a novel grid solution whereby the output from the turbine is restricted during peak hours in the summer months when local solar farms are exporting
at or near maximum output. This brought forward the connection date by several years and significantly reduced the connection cost, allowing the project to proceed through the development stage to construction.
The on-site electrical works were carried out by Green Cat Renewables’ sister company, Prelec Lmited.
The civil balance of plant works were carried out in house by Green Cat Renewables’ contracting arm, Green Cat Contracting (GCC).
Green Cat’s Geotechnical Team provided data for the detailed design phase, following their extensive ground investigation work.
This project came in on time and budget and has been operating successfully since July 2015 . It is a great example of the benefits to our clients that the vertical integration of the various companies, under the Green Cat umbrella, can deliver. Crucially it allows us to effectively reduce a project’s cost while dealing with unique challenges that these projects throw up.