Case Study - Solar PV Array


Dundee, Angus

Green Cat Renewables provided development support ranging from initial technical assessments to the delivery of planning consent including community engagement and landscaping designs.

As the site is located in one of the best areas in Scotland for levels of sunlight, a solar farm was considered an ideal opportunity to maximise the land use of the former airfield.

The design of the development has allowed for the land to have a dual purpose:

  • Generate electricity, and
  • Continued agricultural use.

The solar farm will allow for small/ medium sized livestock, such as sheep, to graze the land in-between the rows, and underneath, the panels.

A public exhibition was held in the local community hall to provide information to local residents.

The site has provided poor quality wildlife habitat due to its former use as an RAF Airfield. As a result of the solar park, it is proposed to improve the quality of wildlife habitat and biodiversity by:

  • Recycling the existing spoil/rubble heaps for use on access tracks;
  • Planting of grassland which will improve habitats from the existing arable land; and
  • Planting of wild flower meadow in areas not used for grazing, providing an ideal habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, reptiles and small mammals.

The application was well supported by the local Councillors and was approved by the Development Standards Committee of Angus Council.

Key Data
  • 31MW Peak Capacity
  • Largest consented solar farm in Scotland
  • Location: Former RAF Tealing Airfield, Angus
  • Covers ~126 acres of land
  • Expected annual electricity production: 25.4GWh
  • Enough electricity to provide power to ~6,060 homes, equivalent to 11% electricity demand of Angus
  • 122,400 solar panels to be used
  • Improvement of biodiversity and habitat