Case Study - Noise Impact

Watson Head (Noise)

Watsonhead Wind Farm, North Lanarkshire

Watsonhead Wind Farm is located in North Lanarkshire and were the first Enercon E138’s to be built in the UK. Green Cat Renewables (GCR) was engaged as planning and environmental consultants developing the project from initial concept feasibility, through EIA to planning consent.

As the appointed noise consultants for the project, GCR provided noise feasibility input, scoping, and noise impact assessment for inclusion within the EIA. Following an amendment to the project to increase the size and capacity of the turbines, an updated NIA was submitted demonstrating the wind farm would not cause significant impacts in terms of noise.

The NIA was produced in line with ETSU-R-97 and the Institute of Acoustics Good Practice Guide. A cumulative assessment was also conducted which included over 80 third-party turbines.

The development was first consented in December 2021, with the proposed amendments being accepted in October 2020.

Since the project became operational in 2022, GCR has also provided post completion noise compliance testing. This involved deriving the operational turbine noise and assessment with the consented noise limits at the nearest sensitive receptors.

Key Data
  • 8.4MW Wind Farm
  • Turbine: 2 x Enercon E138
  • Tip height of 149.38m
  • GCR engaged from feasibility, through EIA to planning consent, and postconstruction noise compliance assessment
  • Consented under delegated powers December 2021, amendments to planning consented October 2020